Wednesday 20 August 2008

Woody Allen - Movie Reviews Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Critics keep falling in and out of love with Woody Allen. They're back in love with him again with Vicky Cristina Barcelona . Roger Ebert in the Chicago Sun-Times cheers, "This is the genuine comeback, a romanticist comedy that's a major summer amusement with good underpinnings." Rafer Guzm�n in Newsday calls the photographic film a "minor masterpiece .. a seemingly effortless but deep meaningful celluloid." Claudia Puig in USA Today positively waxes rapturous "Vicky Cristina Barcelona is as elating, captivating and enjoyable as a summer romance in an exotic city." Michael Sragow in the Baltimore Sun calls it "blissfully entertaining." But Allen continues to irritate some critics who still wish he would return to his once lovely comedy shtik. Kenneth Turan in the Los Angeles Times writes that "scorn promising elements, Vicky Cristina Barcelona "is too purpose on organism taken earnestly to be more than mildly amusive. Allen said in interviews that this was a film around relationships, not a clowning, and he was non being incorrectly modest. ... [It] has neither the witticism nor the insights to captivate."


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